Monday, September 30, 2019

Music is not just a sound

Music is not just a sound that we hear but it is also a language used by many people. In early times, music is divided into historical periods. Nowadays, music is considered as an effective way of communication. We can say that music serves as an instrument of expression for artist and also for people who loves music. In that sense, people relate their selves into music as an outlet for them to release their feelings or more so for them to acknowledge whatever feeling they have inside.â€Å"Music as a popular communication and entertainment art is a critical aspect of a culture (Jenkins. 2001).† Music has become one of the most popular topics to talk about not just in any TV show, radio show or even in the internet but also in any conversation among people. To this day, music is considered as an effective way of communication because it caters to different genre.Through this genre caters to different generation of the society. In its context, music is emotional because it expr esses the very feeing of the artist. Some music today is too loud but when we carefully listen and understand the very meaning of its lyrics, we will realize that it has a sense and a feeling too that one can relate.It is also an effective communication because it relates the very meaning of it to the people who listen to it. Through the lyrics, people connect themselves to the music and that’s how communication begins. Nowadays, music is used for therapeutic and healing purposes.It creates a language that helps people to understand through its melody and rhythm. From time to time, we have witnessed how music changes for different generation to generation and how it effectively used as a communication tool in different areas of life. Music is widely used on different areas such as in politics, education, and religion and to different people as well.In politics, music is effectively used as a communication tool to convince people to support a candidate. In education, music is used as a subject or simply as entertainment. In religion, music is used to communicating with the Lord and for praising. For mothers, music is used as a language for their babies and for young adults; music is the very heart and soul of their being. Indeed, music is widely use as an effective tool of communication. Truly, many of us is affected by music because  we as individual elate our self to it. Through music we get inspirations as well as learning that provide us the ability to discover our self and to also release whatever feeling we have inside.Music is indeed emotional because musician relates it to their own self. People as well relate it to themselves that it why we can say that music is an effective communication tool. â€Å"Music has been defined so much that it is really not clear anymore what it is or what can be called music (Kosk).†   Nonetheless, music has provided us different types for different people and culture. We hear music and feel it and there is an invisible line that connects us to music and keeps our spirit alive every time we hear our favorite music.   The ever changing of music from time to time makes it more exciting for music lovers to utilize their own self and relinquish such melody that comes form their heart and soul.While music is important, communication as well is very important. The two link together because music is communication and communication is music as well. We may view it differently but the question on how music is an effective communication tool because it is emotional is simply because it conveys messages and influences people in one way or another. Certainly, music entertains us and provides us the same aspirations in life. We as individual relate our self to music because we are also as emotional as the music.It is clearly present in our society today of how effective communication is as a tool. All over the world, music is also considered as a language of heart and soul to people. Through i ts effect and influence it makes, music is a language that effectively communicates to different people and culture. It is a tool that expresses one’s thought and dreams, a communication tool that provides harmony and rhythm and effectively relates its very meaning to people who listens to it. Definitely, music is part of our daily lives and as important as communication, both provides us the ability to be inspired and developed as an individual through its meaning and intention. Music is effective as a communication tool because it is simply emotional on its own and more so it is a line that speaks for its true sense and that communicates to every human being.Works CitedStewart, Cameron. â€Å"Music Theory For Effective Communication.† StatsSheet.Com Reliable Stats,Tools, and Articles. 26 November 2007 â€Å"Music Therapy.† 26 November 2007 Jenkins, Orville Boyd. â€Å"Music as a Language Learning Medium.† 9 June 2001. Orville JenkinsHome. 2 6 November 2007 â€Å"Using music as a therapy tool to motivate troubled adolescents.† Medscape Today. 26 November2007 Kosk, Kairi. â€Å"Some issues of non-human animal communication. Is there a difference between

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Environmental Influences on Performance

1. â€Å"Marathon race organizers should be mindful of weather conditions during the race ‘ Discuss the above statement on a scientific marathon footrace is among the most physiologically demanding endurance events in the world. Competitive runners typically maintain a pace corresponding to 70-90% of their maximal aerobic capacity [3,15,20] for more than 2 h. At maximal mechanical efficiency, more than 80% of the energy required for this task is transferred as heat to the body core [9]. Moreover, the rate of endogenous heat production associated with a 2-h 10-min marathon estimated from ordinary heat-balance equations [9] is approximately 1400 kcal ·h-1. This metabolic heat must be dissipated to the surrounding environment, or body temperature will rise to physiologically dangerous levels. Lind [13] has demonstrated that core temperature is independent of climate over a temperature range he has termed the â€Å"prescriptive zone. † It has been demonstrated that the width of the prescriptive zone progressively narrows as metabolic rate increases. Thus, climate begins to affect physiological responses to exercise at relatively cooler temperatures during activities that elicit high metabolic rate compared with those eliciting lower metabolic rates. More recently, it has been demonstrated that endurance performance is indeed impaired when exercising in warm versus more temperate laboratory conditions and that air temperatures of approximately 10 °C seem optimal for endurance exercise [10]. One criticism of these and other laboratory findings is that typical airflows used for indoor testing situations are well below those encountered when running or cycling outdoors ver the ground. The lack of appropriate airflow substantially reduces the combined heat transfer coefficient [9] and may overestimate physiological strain [2]. Few field studies have examined the effect of weather conditions on endurance running performance[16,17,22]. Although it is generally observed that race performances worsen as weather warms, there are current ly no data quantifying the magnitude of performance reduction. In addition, these studies relied only on data from elite male runners; thus, the implications for slower competitors or women runners are only speculative. COLD WEATHER BEST FOR MARATHON PERFORMANCE Every runner knows that cool weather is better than hot weather for marathon performance. But a recent study from the U. S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine suggests that relatively cold weather is better than merely cool weather. Researchers gathered many years' worth of results and weather data from six major North American marathons and performed stastical analyses to determine the effect of air temperature on finishing times among runners at various levels of performance. Specifically, they looked at year-to-year comparative finishing times of the top three male and female runners at each event, as well as the 25th, 50th, 100th, and 300th finishers. The results showed a clear trend toward faster times at colder temperatures. For example, the finishing times of male races winners were, on average, 1. 7% slower than the course record when the air temperature was between 34 and 50 degrees. The finishing times of the top male runners were 2. 5% slower than the course record, however, when the temperature was between 51 and 59 degrees. And at higher temperatures, finishing times fell off even more dramatically. Runners at all levels were slowed by warmer air, but higher temperatures had a smaller effect on faster runners. The ideal marathon temperature, according to these analyses, was a bone-chilling 41 degrees. Think about that when you sign up for your next marathon! 2. Divers who collect ornamental fish have to work in a hostile environment. Discuss how the SCUBA apparatus helps these divers to meet the challenge of the deep sea environment. SCUBA diving is an exciting and first-hand way for scientists to study the underwater environment. It is one among the most effective ways for executing underwater experiments that require high quality precise measurements. SCUBA as the name suggests stands for Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus. It literally means that all divers carry all of required breathing equipment’s and gases with them. Hence they are subjected to water temperature, pressure, currents, and other factors revolving oceans present at the diving depth. The NURP program approximately supports about 10,000 SCUBA Divers for Scientific Research work. NURP provides all the necessary equipments and finances for scientists and technical assistance to conduct diving operations. They use both open circuit as well as closed circuit breathing apparatus. The difference between them primarily relies upon what happens to the exhaled gas. In open system the gas is exhaled in to the water. A closed system apparatus has recycling abilities and thus lasts longer underwater as it reduces carbon-dioxide and adds oxygen in a cyclic manner inside the container. It reduces the amount of gas required in the container and also allows the diver to remain streamlined. The breathing gas provided by NURP involves compressed air, NITROX and TRIMIX. NITROX is a composition of nitrogen and oxygen whilst TRIMIX is a composition of oxygen, nitrogen and helium. NITROX is of special interest to NOAA. It was in introduced in late 1970’s which allows the divers to stay longer underwater when compared to compressed air alone. Each of these gases is of different properties which enables the diver to dive at maximum depths. 3. The year 1968 marked the emergence of high altitude trained long distance runners from Kenya. Discuss the scientific basis of high altitude training and how it helps to perform better in long distance events. The theory underlying the belief that training at high altitude can enhance athletic performance sounds reasonable enough. Work out in an environment that causes the body to produce more oxygen-carrying red blood cells and an athlete will be able to perform better than he or she can when trained at a lower elevation. Proponents of this theory point to East African runners, who have dominated long-distance events in recent years, as proof that training at high altitudes pays off. But if that’s the case, why don’t runners from other high altitude countries such as Peru and Mexico perform equally well? And why do some athletes excel in endurance sports despite having never trained at high altitude? â€Å"[High-altitude training has] had so much press that certain athletes feel like they’re at a disadvantage if they’re not doing altitude training,† says Andrew Subudhi, a researcher at the Altitude Research Center in Denver and assistant professor of biology at the University of Colorado in Colorado Springs. There’s a big movement for endurance athletes to move to high altitude if they’re serious about [improving their performance]. † Into Thin Air But does it really help? Answering that question is harder than one might think, despite numerous scientific studies on the relationship between altitude and athletic performance. The issue reached prominence at the 1968 summer Olympics in Mexico City (elevation 7, 349 feet), when questions arose about the best way to prepare for competing in the thin air, Subudhi says. Thin air† is a term used to describe air that contains less oxygen than air at sea level (20. 9% at sea level compared with 15. 3% at higher altitudes). The number of red blood cells found in the body of an endurance athlete who does not live and train at high altitudes may be insufficient to supply the amount of oxygen needed at higher altitudes. To help deal with this problem, athletes may live and train at high altitudes several weeks before a competition to increase the number of red blood cells, which are produced in response to greater release of the hormone erythropoietin. More red blood cells allows a person’s blood to carry more oxygen, which partly makes up for the shortage of oxygen in the air. Studies have found that athletes do perform better in competitions held at high altitudes if they live and train at high altitudes prior to competition, Subudhi says, but training at high altitudes does not necessarily help athletes perform better at low altitudes as one might assume. â€Å"When you’re at altitude, you can’t train as hard, and when you’re not training as hard, you’re not getting the same training stimulus,† he says. â€Å"Training at altitude doesn’t mean you’ll do well at sea level. Then again, that doesn’t mean that you won’t, says Jack Daniels, PhD, head distance coach at the Center for High Altitude Training at Northern Arizona University. Daniels says the key benefit to training at higher than normal altitudes is that it teaches an athlete how to hurt, and learning to tolerate pain can help athletes push themselves harder than they would otherwise. â€Å"It’s good for an athlete to learn to really lay it out there, and it’s easy to do that [in high altitude] without working quite as hard,† says Daniels, who has coached 31 individual3/22/13 Printer-friendly article page www. motionsports. com/blog/training at altitude. htm 2/3 NCAA national champions in his career. Although there are benefits to training at altitude, Daniels says, the advantages one might gain are unimportant when compared with more mundane factors. No matter where people train, he says, they want comfortable housing, healthy food, a friendly atmosphere, good training facilities, desirable weather, and adequate medical and therapy attention. â€Å"In other words, you train best where you are happiest,† Daniels says. If you c an have that at altitude, that's good, but if you do altitude-type things and don't have those other things, then you are wasting your time. It is very disturbing to me to hear people say, ‘If you don't train at altitude you may as well not bother trying. ’ I think we have all the things an athlete would want right here, but anyone who comes here and is not happy, I encourage to leave. † Live High, Train Low Daniels also doesn’t believe in another philosophy that has gained considerable support in recent years from researchers who have studied the altitude-performance relationship. Known as â€Å"live high, train low,† this philosophy holds that endurance athletes benefit most from living in high-altitude conditions but training at low altitude where they are able to push themselves harder. The term â€Å"live high, train low† came into being in 1996 when researchers James Stray-Gundersen and Benjamin Levine studied the relationship between altitude, training, and performance using three groups of endurance athletes. One group lived and trained in Park City, Utah, (elevation 7,000 feet) while another group lived there and trained at a lower altitude. A third group lived and trained in San Diego (elevation 72 feet). After the four-week training period ended, all were tested at a low altitude. â€Å"They found that the group that lived high but trained low got the best benefit; that was measured in 5-kilometer time trials. † Subudhi says. The reason for the improved performance among the live-high, train-low group, researchers hypothesized, is that by living in high-altitude conditions, their bodies produced more red blood cells in response to the lower concentration of oxygen. And because these athletes trained at a lower elevation, they were able to push themselves harder than they would have at higher altitudes, resulting in a higher training stimulus. The results of this and other studies received so much media attention that companies began manufacturing masks, tents, and rooms that would allow athletes to live anywhere in high-altitude conditions. Devices cost anywhere from hundreds to thousands to tens of thousands of dollars. Some companies convert entire houses to these conditions, and both Finland and the United States have outfitted dormitories in this way. Manufacturers claim benefits can occur from as little as six to eight hours of exposure. But those claims are not supported by research, Subudhi says, who contends 15 to 16 hours per day exposure is supported by research. Exercise rooms designed to mimic high-altitude conditions can benefit athletes who live at low altitudes and are planning to compete at a high altitude, he says: â€Å"If your competition is at altitude, then you need to train at altitude. † Altitude Advantage The only danger associated with the use of such devices is reducing oxygen levels too quickly, and almost everyone will experience more difficulty sleeping, Subudhi says. However, it’s rare to see athletes suffering from acute mountain sickness, commonly known as altitude sickness, or from high-altitude pulmonary or cerebral edema among those who live at an 8,000- to 9,000-foot altitude, he says. Plus, benefits are temporary: An athlete who stops living under high-altitude conditions will begin to see a loss in benefits in about two weeks as extra red blood cells die off, he says. Bob Cranny, PT, owner of Altitude Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine in Boulder, Colo. , is a big believer in the benefits of training at altitudes of 2,500 feet or greater. He and his wife are both triathletes and marathon runners who moved to Boulder (elevation 5,430 feet) 12 years ago from Long Beach, Calif. , because they believed the higher altitude would enhance their performance. Many athletes in the area follow the live-high, train-low philosophy, although it might more accurately be described as â€Å"live high, train lower. † That’s because many athletes who train in Boulder live at elevations of3/22/13 Printer-friendlyarticlepage www. kmotionsports. com/blog/training at altitude. htm 3/3 round 9,000 feet and travel to Boulder’s 5,430-foot elevation to train, as opposed to sea level. â€Å"If you could live at 9,000 feet and train at sea level, that would be even better — that would be wonderful,† Cranny says. So the answer to the question of whether training at high altitude will enhance an athlete’s performance is: maybe. Training at altitude will help some, while other athletes might benefit best fro m alternate training methods. â€Å"I see altitude as a type of training, and if this type suits you then it is good,† Daniels says.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Based on your reading of The Death of Woman Wang,describle and analyze Essay

Based on your reading of The Death of Woman Wang,describle and analyze how Confucian ideals are ever present to all levels of Ch - Essay Example According to Confucius, society could become stable only when the five basic relationships are being fulfilled which are, the relation of Love (among father and son), relationship of righteousness (among emperor and minister), relationship of virtuous demeanor (among husband and wife), relationship of order (among elder and younger) and relationship of faithfulness (among friends).If we closely administer these virtues, we see that out of the five, three occur in the family system. He was the great devotee of the family system and it is also the basis of today’s family system in China (Spence pp134-139). The family system has an extended impact on the whole town, city and society of China. The order is strictly followed as, for instance, younger has to obey the elder whether the elder is from his family or from outside the family. Even today, Chinese people pay special respect to their elders (Spence pp 74-96). The death of woman Wang is a piece of literature that provides a h igh exposure to Chinese norms, society and cultural values back in the seventeenth century. According to Spence, the obligation of the people to the government is very high. To support the government, they have to pay taxes. Even when there were natural calamities, the people of the village had to pay taxes. The rule of the emperor is to be judged by the virtue and it is not hereditary. According to Confucius, the ruler must rule wisely and with moral attitudes. The ruler should be just in his working and virtue must be his core conduct. If the society is being ruled by a wise and just leader and ruler, the society is harmonized, stable and flourishing and it cultivates moral and ethical values. When the government understood the condition of the village, firstly they divided the tax in installments and later on forgave the taxes to be paid. But it was too late (Spence pp 33-58). The modern Chinese society is prospering mainly due to the autonomy that their political system provides . Chinese production market, for instance, is growing at a remarkable pace. The government provides the basic necessities to their citizens at low costs. The rulers, hence, are following the principles of Confucius wisely and with high moral attitude. Conscious considered woman as morally and intellectually defective. He was the strong opponent of women subordination. Regardless of this fact, the principles he provided were significantly influential in maintaining harmony, peace and stability in an economy. In ‘the story of woman Wang’ women are portrayed as liable to perform household chores. As a widow, they are given high value and respect if they remain loyal to their husbands even after he passes away. Women are severely punished, in Spence’s accounts, if they use their right to freely move around, choose their partners or try to change their lives. They are punished and eventually killed by one or the other men in Chinese society of 17th century. However, t he modern Chinese society regards female counterparts as respectful, loveable and respectful yet free to make choices. The Chinese society and the business market is an open case of female participation except households. The households and other family related issues, however, still work under women supervision and women are still held responsible for household works. Filial Piety is yet another value of Confucius. Confucius is also heard of saying â€Å"

Friday, September 27, 2019

Promissory estoppel Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Promissory estoppel - Article Example Moreover, in the absence of the extra efforts put in by the workers, the Print UK Ltd would not have been in a position to release the book on the agreed upon date. Failure to have released the book would have proved detrimental to the profits of the Print UK Ltd. This undesirable circumstance had been thwarted, solely on account of the extra work put in by its workers. Promissory estoppel is an important remedy, provided by the law, to an injured party in a contract. It enables the plaintiff to sue the promisor, if the former acts on the promise of the promisor, who subsequently, fails to fulfil the promised benefit to the former1. Promissory estoppel, also known as detrimental reliance, is that which the promisor can be reasonably expected to initiate some action or forbearance by either the promisee or a third party. If injustice can be prevented only by the performance of a promise, then such promise will be binding. Under this precept, a promisor who influences a promisee to significantly change his stance is disallowed from refusing the binding nature of the promise, for the reason that there had been no consideration from the promisee2. In the realm of equity, the notion of promissory estoppel binds the parties to the agreements; despite the l... However, legal luminaries have contended that it can be used as a shield and not as a sword. Therefore, an aggrieved party cannot use this concept to enforce a promise3. In Williams v Roffey, the Court of Appeal held that if a party to a contract promises an additional amount to the other party to ensure the performance of the contractual obligations by that other party; then such a promise is binding, provided, the promisor receives some new practical benefit or circumvents some disadvantage4. In this case, the defendant Roffey offered the bonus amount to the plaintiff, Williams. As a result, Roffey received three benefits, from that offer to pay an additional amount. First, Roffey could ensure that Williams would not stop the work. Secondly, he could avoid payment of damages under the main contract's damages clause, which stated that he should not delay performance; and lastly, Roffey could circumvent the incurring of additional expenditure by engaging a sub-contractor5. Thus these tangible benefits that are consequent to the completion of the existing obligation represent the consideration. The Court held that the plaintiff, Williams was entitled to receive the additional payment, as promised by the defendant, Roffey6. In accordance with the decision in Williams v Roffey, the Print UK Ltd, had derived a practical benefit, on account of the completion of the work, within the deadline, by its workers. As such, circumvention of this loss is the practical benefit that had been obtained by the Print UK Ltd. This practical benefit constitutes the consideration for the existing obligations in the contract. The workers had put in quite a bit of extra effort, consequent to the promise made by the Print UK Ltd. In this connection, some important judgements,

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Deaf infants and development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Deaf infants and development - Essay Example (The Care of Infants and Young Children) Speech does not disappear, but voice gets a strange sounding, there is a intonation breach, stress breach, speech is quick, vocabulary is limited (lack of words that expresses abstract notions, only simple sentences are used) Everything mentioned above proves that hearing reduce negatively influences on the speech development. Besides we should take into consideration that we use different loudness while speaking: there are stressed and unstressed sounds in speech, voiceless consonants, etc. Among the different factors that impact the child’s speech we can outline: the degree of the hearing reduce – the worse a child hears, the worse he/she speaks; age of the speech breach – the earlier it happens the more difficult it is; conditions of the child’s growing – the results of bringing up are better if the child is treated in time; physical and psychological development. A negative impact has the limitation of the social contacts in infant’s age when a person should take the world through the sounds. The defected children require special treatment and control by the doctors and teachers. Though the sign systems have different meanings for socialization in different periods of childhood. Usually children use verbal, imaginary-moving and imaginary-graphical signs and socialize through the playing games. Role games, painting and drawing are very important for socializing children who have any kind of defects. All these kind of activity help to form imaginary thinking. (Dr. Eloise Murray) Bringing up the child with diminished hearing, parents should make a responsible choice – method of teaching. Besides the family climate is also very important for the social and cognitive development. The psychologists differentiate several types of relationship with a deaf child: understanding; â€Å"overcaring†; non-real treatment (parents treat their child as a healthy one); indifference(the most dangerous type of

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Marketing Concept Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Marketing Concept - Essay Example The marketing concept is different from all the others, which include product, selling production and holistic marketing. This is because it involves coming up with products according to the needs of the customers. The others may involve the advertisements of the products after they are ready made. Therefore, it is more of the customer finding out about the firm. In the marketing concept, market research is thoroughly conducted. The firm takes an interest in finding out the needs of consumers. This concept exhibits some intrinsic qualities. It shows consideration of tastes and preferences of consumers, as opposed motivation by profit maximization. It also shows that the firm upholds ethics unconditionally. The reason behind this is that even the thing that matters the most does not stop the firm from doing what is right.The marketing concept is both advantageous to the firm and the consumers. People tend to think that the profits of a firm are only maximized by the most direct method s whose effects are immediately felt. However, this is never the case. There is a need to look at the future. The conduction of research on consumers might seem less expensive for a small firm. However, this is an extremely expensive undertaking for a larger firm. This is because large firms may be serving a wide geographical market. It may call for the use of most of the modern technologies. Therefore, this may seem like a method that is less advantageous to the firm.... People tend to think that the profits of a firm are only maximized by the most direct methods whose effects are immediately felt. However, this is never the case. There is a need to look at the future. The conduction of research on consumers might seem less expensive for a small firm. However, this is an extremely expensive undertaking for a larger firm. This is because large firms may be serving a wide geographical market. It may call for the use of most of the modern technologies. Therefore, this may seem like a method that is less advantageous to the firm. However, the exact opposite is true. First, this kind of marketing attracts more customers. This is when they realize that their interests are considered by the firm. The other advantage is long term. The firm is able to establish the wants and needs of consumers. Therefore, they come up with products that have the ability to satisfy the consumers for a long time. This ensures profit maximization. Introduction of the chosen busi ness. The principal aim of this essay is to discuss the application of the marketing concept in the real world. This can only be achieved using a live example of a firm in the real world. Therefore, it was essential to consider a company that has had a long history with this concept. For this reason, Standard Life was the ideal choice. This is an investment and long term saving business. It mainly deals with life assurance. The head quarters of this company is in Edinburgh. However, its operations occur all around the globe. Standard Life has been the principal topic of controversy for a long time. This is due to some of its policies, as well as acts. However, this company has exhibited continuous success over the years. This is

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 8

Project - Essay Example The first component of the theory segment in this experiment will entail the isolation of a container beyond the precints of heat or errors prone to affect the experimental outcome. Another important parameter for measurement will be the can’s and containers specific heat capacity. This is moreso because it aid in slow or steady increase or decrease of temperature. Evidently, transfer of thermal energy between two objects is only feasible when they are at different temperatures. The experiment herein will investigate the thermal energy of a solid (ice) to liquid (water) state. In this regard, thermal energy will be lost by the ice and gained by the water. The design and construction of the calorimeter entails a can and container. There is a space between the can and container that functions as a heat insulator. Consequently, minimal exchange of heat occurs between the can and container. Furthermore, a digital thermometer is used in determining the liquids temperature within the container. In the middle of the container, a can is placed with ice in it. To aid in the equal distribution of heat throughout the vessel, a stirrer will be used in stirring the liquid. Laces are equally useful holding up the inner vessel suspended within the center of the outer container. A plastic lid or cover with holes is used in attaching the thermometer and stirring rod. The device used in the experiment for taking measurements of the energy changes within a system that is either physical or chemical in nature is known as a calorimà ¨tre. During the experiment, temperature recordings of the water inside the calorimeter were taken as the ice was melting. In this regard, measurements were conducted at intervals of every 30 seconds. Two trails of the experiment were conducted. Prior to recording the water temperatures, the stirrer was used in stirring the water for

Monday, September 23, 2019

Relationship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Relationship - Essay Example At only about two months, Fudgee stood out among the rest of the litters due to her remarkable talent: she could climb two flights of averaged-stepped residential stairs just to be with me. From the first time she climbed such a formidable task as a young pup, my affection has been directed to her. Fudgee had such notably noticeable facial expression as a young pup. She would look at you as if always begging for mercy. Her cute little eyes are virtually obliterated from the shaggy and unruly hair. She opens her mouth to show the tiny red tongue while unceasingly wagging her tail. When confined to a pet cage with her siblings, I noticed early on that whenever I would come out from my room and pass by, she is the only one awake, staring at me – as if there was no sleepy bone in her being. I recognized then, that there must be something special about this pup. I observed this when I work on my special place at home. I usually spend my leisure time at a loft overlooking our houseà ¢â‚¬â„¢s terrace where my laptop is strategically situated. As soon as I start to climb the stairs, Fudgee is right behind me. She would snuggle comfortably at my feet while I navigate the Internet for email messages or respond to comments from friends at my Facebook page.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Managing Oneself by Peter Drucker Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Managing Oneself by Peter Drucker - Essay Example Now, each individual must assess one’s own strengths and working style and match them with potential opportunities of work to find the best fit. In addition, it is important to see if personal values clash with the organization’s value system. Finally, it is important to understand that today’s work environment is a two-way street and that the worker needs to continually see how he or she can contribute positively while communicating well with colleagues. Identifying one’s strengths is a tricky business. People imagine they know what they are good or bad at but they are mostly wrong. Drucker suggests using the feedback analysis to assess one’s strengths by noting expected results at every decision point and then matching them with actual results several months later. Through continued use of this method and assessing the results, it is possible to eventually filter out areas where one is not good at and also to identify the strong areas of oneâ€⠄¢s personality. It is important then to concentrate on improve on one’s strengths and fill gaps in knowledge. In the process, one must differentiate between being intelligent and being knowledgeable. A lot of times, intelligent people place barriers upon themselves against gaining knowledge or communicating with others. Feedback will also reveal areas of improvement by showing why certain bad habits result in unexpected results. Assessment of these factors and strengths can allow one to decide on which type of job one is suited for. The next step is to identify one’s own working style and see if the organization offers a conducive environment for such a style. For example, it is important to know whether one is a listener or a reader – meaning whether it is easier to assimilate information by listening to people or by reading it. President Lyndon Johnson made the mistake of keeping President Kennedy’s staff who prepared briefs for him before any  meeti ng.  

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Development and Diversity Essay Example for Free

Development and Diversity Essay When a child is conceived they begin to develop in the mother whom and continue to develop until adulthood. Today we look at these developments and find new ways to teach children that all develop at different rates. Throughout history child development was ignored and little attention was paid to the advantages in their early abilities such as language usage, and physical growth that occurs during childhood and adolescence. Throughout the years there has been many people have come up with theories that support the growth of the development of children. I will talk about one of these theories here. B. F. Skinner, who carried out experimental work mainly in comparative psychology from the 1930s to the 1950s, but remained behaviorisms best known theorist and exponent virtually until his death in 1990, developed a distinct kind of behaviorist philosophy, which came to be called radical behaviorism. He also claimed to have found a new version of psychological science, which he called behavior analysis or the experimental analysis of behavior (Richard Culatta) The behaviorist theory is a worldview that operates on a principle of â€Å"stimulus-response. All behavior caused by external stimuli all behavior can be explained without the need to consider internal mental states or consciousness. Originators and important contributors of this theory are John B. Watson, Ivan Pavlov, B. F. Skinner. The behaviorist theory is based off of positive and negative feedback to students in a classroom. It is a way to train the students in learning the correct way so they can keep moving onto the level of their education. An example can be a mouse in a cage that is really thirsty. Well the mouse will do and try anything to get out of that cage to get something to drink but when it finds the feeding bottle and see that all it has to do is push the little tab on the end to get some water the mouse is satisfied. The same go for students and children. Children will fight tooth and nail to try and get out of anything that they do not like but if they see a reward at the end they will stay with it to get the reward. This keeps them focused and controlled at the same time. There are three main contributors to this theory John B.  Watson, Ivan Pavlov, B. F. Skinner. These three have all contributed to this theory in one way or another. John B. Watson conducted research on animals, children, and advertising to further the theory. Ivan Pavlov conducted research on temperament of children, conditioning and involuntary reflex actions. Finally B. F. Skinner invented his own philosophy called radical behaviorism. All of these men have helped to improve on the theory to help us understand children’s learn and development better so we can teach them in better ways. Education is what survives when what has been learned has been forgotten† (B. F. Skinner) The theory of behaviorism can be used in a classroom setting in many ways. It is the way that it is used that will determine if it works for the teacher and the student or hurts the teacher and the student. Giving children goals at an early age to accomplish tasks in the classroom can be a really good thing. Children always want a reward for the things they do. They are taught that at a very early age with their parents when doing thing like picking up their rooms and getting a reward for that at home. Well that carries into the classroom setting also. To reward students is giving them very positive feedback on their work many teachers use the star system. A large chart on the wall with all the student’s names and stars for the good work they have done. This gives students a little push to do their best because they want those stars so they can be proud or even get a reward for the most stars. This is a great idea in most cases but teachers need to be careful with this also because it can backfire on them. If you have a student that is a slower learner and does not receive stars like the others this can hurt that student and their learning. Yes there has be negative feedback with positive feedback but if all the child gets is negative feedback it can lead to them just giving up and we do not want that. So we have to walk a fine line when it comes to using different techniques in the classroom. All students are different and learn different so we have to work around that so all of our students receive the same education as the other. You can use activities in your classroom that go along with behaviorism and that will benefit your students in many ways. For example take ten sentences that go along with your lesson plan. Say you are teaching about animals in your class this week you can make up ten sentences and leave one word out of each sentence. Then you would list the missing words out of order and have the children fill in the blanks with the words that are off to the side. You can give rewards for their work to stimulate them in doing their best by giving a sticker for each one they get correct. This is a good way to do it because you have a really good chance of getting at least one sticker and all are happy but most of the kids will do well because they are going to try for more than just one. There are many different theories in education that can help a teacher in the classroom. These all work to give the student a better learning experience. It is the way you use them that will determine if they work or not for you and your students. With behaviorism you need to give positive and negative feedback to your student it is that you have to walk a fine line so you do not discourage your students from learning but make them want to be the best student they can be.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Refugees and Social Integration in Winnipeg

Refugees and Social Integration in Winnipeg This paper will examine refugees and social integration in Winnipeg and attempt to answer the questions posed in the syllabus. The status of refugees is significant in Winnipeg as the province of Manitoba admits more than 1000 refugees per year[1], the majority of who settle in Winnipeg. Refugees arrive in Winnipeg often with very little and are desperate to be able to integrate successfully, however this can be difficult to achieve. These new arrivals impact the city in that they are dependent on social services which in turn cost the government money. In addition due to lack of available funds upon arrival refugees often have to live in high poverty areas[2], centered on the downtown which leads to social issues that can be difficult for refugees to live with. In these circumstances making valuable social connections can be hard, often cultural differences make it challenging for new arrivals to make connections with the community, or neighbours. Poverty rates remain high for refugees living in Winnipeg and over time this has a detrimental effect not only on the lives of the refugees themselves but of the community at large as high poverty areas become a burden on the social services and typically have high rates of crime[3]. The number of refugees seeking entry to Canada has been steady increasing since 2000, this apparently in line with growing conflicts across Africa and the Middle East. Around these regions the nature of conflicts has been changing from nations fighting each other to civil conflicts within a nation, which tend to go on for much longer than tradition conflicts. In countries such as Syria, Iraq and Somalia ongoing civil war and terrorist insurgency has had a devastating effect on the civilian populations. People are often targeted for perceived allegiances to one side or the other and are persecuted for it, the level of destruction surrounding civilian populations is high and as a result many people become displaced, people who in turn become refugees seeking asylum abroad. These people often have to leave their homes quickly and with very little in terms of monetary value for fear of their lives. Understandably these people look abroad for support where they might be free from the fear and oppression that they would suffer if they returned to their home countries. As the conflicts in these regions continue more and more people will seek a better opportunity to live abroad, and Canada is a desired destination. With the increase in asylum seekers more people are seeking entry to Canada under refugee status, this impacts Winnipeg as more new arrivals will be refugees and unlike landed immigrants these people often will require significant assistance with social integration [4]among other things. The city of Winnipeg and how many refugees we admit per year has a direct impact on the people living in destitute conditions, be it in overcrowded housing on UN tent camps. Their standard of living increases dramatically being able to live here, and despite initial challenges in getting situated the chance to live here is something sought after by many around the world. The status of refugees in Winnipeg admittedly affects me very little. Personally I cannot say that I know anyone who is a refugee or even any friends that know one. However despite not personally being impacted by refugees I can see the effects of the city as a whole. While sympathetic towards the difficulties these people have faced I am also aware of the burden that is placed on social services and private individuals and institutions to support refugees, support which regular immigrants would under most circumstances not need. It is also good to keep in mind that Canada is running a deficit and any increase in social spending does nothing to help with that. People I know have also been impacted as refugees predominantly work in the service and labour sectors and hold relatively high employment around 80%[5], this could be a factor into why people around my age have difficulty finding employment at traditionally entry level jobs, such as retail, food industry etc. As for how I impa ct the social integration of refugees in the city I would have to say not at all, as I don’t know any refugees and I am not in any position to impact their lives. Personal bias aside as far as a critical assessment goes, I would begin with saying that refugees face incredible challenges both in leaving their home countries and establishing themselves in Canada. Refugees arriving in Winnipeg often have very little money, and low prospects of a good paying job and face difficulty in dealing with the trauma that they may have experienced due to war or persecution of some kind in their country of origin[6]. Due to how refugees are dispersed across Canada new arrivals often find themselves isolated and without anyone of their own cultural background to associate with, I can imagine how difficult this might be, for instance if there were to hypothetically be a civil war break out in Canada and myself and family were forced to relocate to somewhere like Nairobi or Istanbul I could see how difficult it would be to fit into society. The same can be said about refugees from Africa and the Mid-East many of whom don’t even speak English which is es sential to living in Canada. As well once a refugee does arrive things often aren’t as great as they had been led to believe, in the case of Winnipeg most refugees in recent times are from visible minorities and often have to live in poverty stricken neighbourhoods around the downtown core area[7]. I have found that once a refugee has been successfully settled in Winnipeg the majority of assistance they had received goes away and considers the job done. While I can see how it would be costly to maintain direct support for all of the refugee families admitted it is clear that many struggle with a number of issues after social services move on to the next family. The theoretical lens which I have viewed this in is the Liberal approach, which also seems to be the method by which the West approaches refugees in general. The most important point being that there is a moral imperative to help these people the best way we can with the abundant resources at our disposal. This also plays into international justice and how to Liberal west can help those that are oppressed by people who hold opposing views. Looking at the status of refugees in Winnipeg it is clear that Liberal minding institutions have helped many thousands of people, not only find homes but also employment. While I can certainly appreciate the good done on behalf of institutions in Winnipeg clearly more has to be done. Many of the values which we hold here are not readily apparent to refugees who are finding it difficult to manage here and find them falling into poverty. This seems to be a recurring issue within the refugee population in the city and it is troubling that despite the numbers of those stuck in poverty they seem to have been largely abandoned by the government which continues to bring in more refugees without improving the conditions of those already here[8]. It follows to me at least that if those refugees here in Winnipeg are able to access better education and jobs that they would be able to contribute far more to our society that they are at the present. With higher wages they would be able to afford their own homes, rather than be exploited by landlords that enjoy powerful positions over refugees in their situations. With access to jobs more befitting of their qualifications they would be able to afford education for any children they may have brought with them which in turn leads to a better community as a whole since their children would be far less likely to get into crime or be recruited into street gangs, a real issue among young African male refugees who see it as the only opportunity to better their position. Certain policies I would a lso view as questionable, for instance the cost effective move to have affordable housing located in the worst parts of the city. While this may be less of a burden of the social services it does little to help the city of Winnipeg in the long-term. As these refugees are forced to live in dangerous neighbourhoods where children are routinely exploited, this does nothing to exhale the value were place on Liberty in the West. These families are forced to live in cramped, dirty apartments where social interactions with the community tend to be minimal due to crime within those areas. From my own experiences in dealing with people downtown I can imagine some of the difficulties a recent Syrian or African immigrant may face if they have to work late night as past a certain time the majority of people leave the downtown area and it can become dangerous to have to travel on foot very late into the night. This goes back to the issue of good employment, having to work late night shift work w ith the chance of being harassed or accosted after work doesn’t sound very appealing to me. The lack of continued aid once a refugee has found a job is a failure, and aid agencies like Winnipeg harvest among others are often strained to help or are unknown to refugee families. Now that isn’t to say that I believe we are obligated to help refugees, however if Canada is to uphold the Liberal values which it proclaims then we should handle refugees properly and with adequate support networks in place. From the articles and new reports I have researched for this paper it is clear that while refugees are certainly grateful to everything Canada has given them, it simply is not enough once they are settled and families fall into poverty and all associated issues. I can think of several things that could help the situation of refugees in the city, of course doing the right thing tends never to be time/cost effective. Recognition of refugees education is a big step in helping t hem to get meaningful employment, many refugees simply cannot afford to go to school here when they must work long hours to support themselves and families. I our diverse multicultural society it would pay off in the long term to give refugees better access to working environments, longer programs to ensure successful integration. Also better methods to deal with the trauma and mental issues that accompany living in a warzone. All told despite the many issues, refugees are doing well in Winnipeg issues in good employment remain but refugees do overwhelmingly feel safe in Winnipeg are at least able to find work for the most part. With the financial difficulties facing Canada, and Winnipeg it is understandable that we simply cannot provide the best for refugees at the moment without a noticeable impact of groups giving aid to Canadians that already are in need, however anything we can give them is far better than what they would have faced in their country of origin. Bibliography Articles Carter, Derwing, Ogilivie, T. Wotherspoon. â€Å"Prairies Region,† Our Diverse Cities 6 (2009): 8-50, 104. Omidvar, Richmond. â€Å"Immigrant Settlement and Social Inclusion in Canada,† Working Paper Series: Perspectives on Social Inclusion (2003) 44. Gyepi-Garbrah, J., Walker, R., Garcea, J.† Indigeneity, Immigrant Newcomers and Interculturalism in Winnipeg, Canada.†Urban Studies (2013). Short Sources Carol Sanders, â€Å"Feds to pay for only 40% of refugees,† Winnipeg Free Press, January 1, 2015. Accessed April 1, 2015. Janine LeGal, â€Å"Congo refugee Hilaire Ndyat helps new immigrants settle in Winnipeg,† Canadian Immigrant, August 12, 2011. Accessed April 1, 2015. Carol Sanders, â€Å"Syrian refugees’ obstacles decried,† Winnipeg Free Press, April 1, 2014. Accessed April 1, 2015. Amanda Thorsteinsson, November 27, 2013 (3:45 PM), Special to CBC news â€Å"Syrian refugees faced with nowhere to live† Donna Carreiro, â€Å"Winnipeg refugee the face of a global crisis,† CBC News December 15, 2014. Accessed March 27, 2015. Manitoba Immigrant and Refugee Settlement Sector Association, Last modified 2015. Voices of Manitoba, Carol Sanders, â€Å"Manitoba hit record refugee count in 2013,† Winnipeg Free Press, March 27, 2014. Accessed March 27, 2015. University of Winnipeg Communications, December 9, 2014. â€Å"Bridging two worlds: Helping refugee youth succeed in Canada† Shane Gibson, â€Å"Tough road for African immigrants, refugees in Winnipeg: report.† Metro News, July 26, 2012. Accessed April 1, 2015. CBC News, â€Å"Syrian refugees glad to be in Winnipeg, but struggle to feed kids,† CBC News, July 4, 2014. Accessed April 6, 2015. Shane Gibson, â€Å"Library for refugee and immigrant children opens in Winnipeg,† Metro News, February 6, 2015. Accessed April 6, 2015. â€Å"Winnipeg Crime Statistics† last modified April 5, 2015 [1] Carter, Derwing, Ogilivie, Wotherspoon, â€Å"Prairies Region.† [2] â€Å"Prairies Region† [3] â€Å"Winnipg Crime Statistics† [4] Omidvar, Richmond â€Å"Immigrant Settlement and Social Inclusion in Canada† [5] â€Å"Prairire Regions† [6] Gyepi-Garbrah, J., Walker, R., Garcea, J. â€Å"Indigeneity, Immigrant Newcomers and Interculturalism in Winnipeg† [7] â€Å"Prairie Region† [8] â€Å"Immigrant Settlement and Social Inclusion in Canada†

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Educational Productivity :: Teaching Education

Educational Productivity Educational productivity is the improvement of students outcomes with little or no additional financial resources, or a consistent level of student performance at a lower level of spending. Educational productivity is based on effectiveness. This is the linkage between student outcomes and the level and use of finacial resources in the schools. Production functions are concerned with how money is related to student learning and lifetime earnings. Other approaches are cost functions, data envelopment, and the impact of smaller class size on the student learning. Although there has been extensive research about educational productive functions, there are still many disagreement among researchers as to whether or not a statistical link can be found between student outcomes and money. However, it is agreed upon that the single largest expendidture in the public school system is teacher expenditure. Early production-function research, modeled on classical economic theory, tried to correlate a set of educational "inputs" to a single "output." Most of these studies were inconclusive. Because of the complexity of the schooling process and factors (like child poverty) outside schools' control, it has been difficult to isolate statistically significant one-to-one correlations between inputs and student learning. The most common outcomes measured in such studies are standardized test results, graduation rates, dropout rates, college attendance patterns, and labor-market outcomes. Inputs usually include per-pupil expenditures; student-teacher ratios; teacher education, experience, and salary; school facilities; and administrative factors (Lawrence Picus 1997). The most famous production-function study was the U.S. Department of Education's "Coleman Report." This massive survey of 600,000 students in 3,000 schools concluded that socioeconomic background influenced student success more than various school and teacher characteristics (Picus 1997). Another type of research was culminated in Eric Hanushek's 1989 study, which analyzed results of 187 production studies published during the previous 20 years. Using a simple vote-counting method to compare data, Hanushek found no systematic, positive relationship between student achievement and seven inputs. Hanushek's findings have been challenged by recent studies using more sophisticated research techniques. When Larry Hedges (1994) and associates reanalyzed Hanushek's syntheses using meta-analysis, they discovered that a $500 (roughly 10 percent) increase in average spending per pupil would significantly increase student achievement. Likewise, Faith Crampton's comprehensive analysis (1995) of inputs affecting achievement in New York State schools found that expenditures seemed to matter when they bought smaller classes and more experienced, highly educated teachers.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Logic of the Absurds :: Free Essay Writer

Logic of the Absurds Man's fundamental bewilderment and confusion, stems from the fact that man has no answers to the basic existential questions: why we are alive, why we have to die, why there is injustice and suffering, all this serve as the impetus for such a thinking. Man constantly wonders about the truth of life and realizes that the more you expect from it, the more it fails you or may be the more we expect from ourselves the more we find ourselves engaging in a futile battle with the odds. May be the truth is the realization of our limitations and the potency of these odds that press you down with their brutal truths†¦.†¦.brutal?, can the truth be brutal. But the truth is the God, ourselves, the destiny that rules us and fashions us, after a strange decree which we fail to unravel. "What do I know about man's destiny? I could tell you more about radishes." -Samuel Beckett Concerning itself with such questions is the genre of literature is the movement called ‘THE THEATRE OF THE ABSURD’. The Theatre of the Absurd (50's) draws on the existentialist writings of Jean Paul Sartre and Albert Camus. Camus adapted Dostoyevsky's The Possesed to the stage (1959). Mostly, his writing was concerned with the dilemma of individuals who believe that values are relative but who cannot live without moral commitment. Camus argues that humanity has to resign itself to recognizing that a fully satisfying rational explanation of the universe is beyond its reach; thus the world must ultimately be seen as absurd. The underpinnings of the Theatre of the Absurd are derived from these existentialist ideas that led to Absurdism. Absurdism teaches, much like Camus, that, that which cannot be justified in a rational manner is absurd. Since religion requires a "leap of faith"(Kierkegaard) it is absurd, just as life itself is absurd. The Theater of the Absurd refers to tendencies in dramatic literature that emerged in Paris during the late 1940s and early '50s in the plays of Arthur Adamov, Fernando Arrabal, Samuel Beckett, Jean Genet, Eugene Ionesco, and Jean Tardieu. A term coined by the critic Martin Esslin, 'The Theatre of the Absurd' refers to the work of a number of playwrights, mostly written in the 1950s and 1960s. Its roots lie in an essay by the French philosopher Albert Camus. In his 'Myth of Sisyphus', written in 1942, he first defined the human situation as basically meaningless and absurd.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Marketing aspect Essay

The management of Head’s Up is moderately efficient. They have accommodating and friendly personnel who provides the needs of their customers wherein they will ask what services they want to avail and instantly accommodate them. They have well equipped facilities and modern equipment that pave the way for more efficient ways of providing services for the customer’s convenience. E. SUPPLIERS The business supplier is from Luzon specifically Manila where they are exclusively supplying the treatments and medicines as well as other needs that they have to Head’s Up. Atty. Raymond said that they paid high to their supplier for exclusively purposes wherein they have a stall for the products that the supplier has at Ever Mall building 2nd floor. F. MARKETING MIX Place One of the most important aspects to consider for a business is its location. Wherein there are number of factors that need to be considered these are the customer needs and the employee needs such as customer convenience, parking, and accessibility. Head’s Up is located at 21 Silliman Avenue, Dumaguete City. Head’s Up location is considered as a strategic location knowing the fact that it is near to its target market which are the young professional, students, the foreigners and the walk-ins. Service Head’s Up being in a beauty industry offer the utmost service to the customers for it is the reason for its existence to give customer a great service and convenience that would give its customers a reason to come back. Promotion Promotion of a business establishment is important for it helps in positioning its image to its target market. Advertisement of an establishment is one way to garner publicity; Heads Up was launch in Metro Post newspaper and was later introduced in Negros Chronicles News and tied-up Radio station here in the City. Other than that Atty. Raymond told us that nothing more is effective to the word of mouth to its customers. Price The rates of their services are based on the price of the treatments and other medicines they use and also the services are priced in such a way that they compare themselves to the rates of their competitors. Head’s Up also offer 10% off to all services to its VIP cardholders and they also have happy hours to their SPA services specifically the Full Body Massage from 2pm-6pm wherein the price differ from its regular rate. Since one of their target markets are the students they also offer a student price range which is cheaper than the regular price. While in barbershop services they have this â€Å"Blowout† day every Tuesday wherein they price their haircut service half to its existing price. The following are the services and their corresponding rates of Head’s Up Barbershop, Salon and Spa. G. COMPETITOR’S ANALYSIS Competitive analysis plays a vital component in every business which made the owner aware the competition happening between its competitors. The following are one of the competitors of Heads Up Barbershop, Salon and Spa: Carlo Reyes Beauty Salon located at Perdices Street, Dumaguete City Cuttin’ Loose Hair & Nail Studio located at Portal West Bldg. Silliman Avenue, Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental. Art Box located at Sta. Rosa Street, Dumaguete City. David Salon located in front of Spanish Heritage San Jan Street, Dumaguete City Jade Spa & Massage located at San Jose Street, Dumaguete City Grand Royal Spa located 2nd floor RM Building, North National Highway, Bantayan, Dumaguete City. These are the establishments which are considered the most competitive in the Beauty Industry and Spa industry wherein these businesses have already establish a name towards to their respective services.

Monday, September 16, 2019

European television Essay

Reality TV is a huge success to the television industry in the 1990s. As a genre description, reality TV is widening its usage from ‘news magazine programmes based round emergency service activities’ to ‘talk shows, docusoaps’ and a variety of ‘first-person’ programmes (Creeber, 2001: 135). ‘Reality TV’ with extensive meaning becomes popular to describe ‘any factual programme based on an aesthetic style of apparent â€Å"zero-degree realism† – in other words a direct, unmediated account of events, often associated with the use of video and surveillance-imaging technologies’ (Creeber, 2001: 135). While Barnfield has criticized ‘the loose usage of the term, suggesting that over the last decade such a wide range of productions have been categorized as â€Å"Reality TV† that one wonders if the term is too general to be helpful'(Holmes and Jermyn, 2004: 3). It is true that ‘reality TV’ is not explicit enough in meaning. However, it is the best word applicable to all situations and never unilateral. It gives producers more space to innovate new programmes as to prosper this genre. Reality TV evolves with the development of new technologies. New sub-genres emerged as the hybrids of established genres. It challenges traditional documentary and changes the serious content to more entertainment elements. Every format is close to everyday life to convince the audience as ‘real’ programming. In the short history of only two decades, reality TV has evolved into various formats. I will focus on five main forms which have either had a remarkable effect on television history or unprecedented audience ratings with reference to relevant representative programmes of British television. Contested Generic Identification: Definition of Reality TV It seems difficult to issue a particular definition of ‘reality TV’ to attest to debates over it. As Su Holmes and Deborah Jermyn point out: Producing a particular definition of Reality TV is nevertheless complex. This is partly because of the fundamentally hybrid nature of the forms in question. Yet it is also because of the range of programming to which the term ‘Reality TV’ has been applied, as well as the extent to which this has shifted over time with the emergence of further permutations in ‘reality-based’ texts. (Holmes and Jermyn, 2004: 2). Jon Dovey characterised this genre by ‘reference to the dominant and original forms of Reality TV that feature police and emergency service work’ (Dovey, 2000: 80). In his opinion, as form and construction, reality TV should be: i camcorder, surveillance or observational ‘actuality footage’; i first-person participant or eye-witness testimony; i reconstructions that rely upon narrative fiction styles; i studio or to-camera links and commentary from ‘authoritative’ presenters; i expert statements from emergency services personnel or psychologists. (Dovey, 2000: 80) These elements are helpful in interpreting the origins of reality programmes and in understanding its sub-genres and new development. Only by bearing these elements in mind can we make reference to relevant programmes when we trace back history to discuss the evolution of reality TV. Is it American Innovation? : Historical Precedent of Reality TV There is no consensus about the first reality programme. Jon Dovey thought that ‘Reality TV is generally historically located as beginning in the US with NBC’s Unsolved Mysteries in 1987’ (Dovey, 2000: 81). While Bradley D. Clissold considered that ‘during the years that it aired, Candid Camera (US, 1948- ), arguably the first ‘Reality TV’ programme, proved itself to be one of US TV’s most memorable, enduring and popular shows’ (Holmes and Jermyn, 2004: 33). There is a consensus that the earliest reality programme came out in America. In addition to these mentioned above, other commentators like Richard Kilborn, Chad Raphael and Gareth Palmer all agreed with this conclusion (Kilborn, 2003: 55; Palmer, 2003: 21). In the commercial environment in America, technologies like cable, satellite and digital prospered reality programmes in television market. However, reality TV as a television genre has evolved into ‘a very strong Eurpoean form with regional variations in each country’ (Dovey). In mid-1980s, when surveillance technology such as CCTV (closed-circuit television) became accessible, Britain produced its own reality programmes, which revealed real accidents, crimes and emergencies. By using CCTV footage, these reality programmes departed from traditional documentary and were quickly accepted by the curious audience because of their witness techniques. They were real shows without actors and noted for low-cost which was attractive to most programme-makers. Among these early reality programmes, Crimewatch (BBC, 1984- ) was most influential. Jon Dovey said it ‘has been seen as central to the development of the form, particularly in respect of debates around criminology and the media’ (Creeber, 2001: 135). Deborah Jermyn, who is experienced in studying television crime appeal, commented on Crimewatch: Promoting the growth of crime-appeal programming in Britain – with a format where serious unsolved crimes are reconstructed, police and victims’ families interviewed, images of suspects publicized and the public encouraged to phone in and volunteer information – by this time the series had comfortably established itself as Britain’s foremost crime-appeal programme. (Holmes and Jermyn, 2004: 71) The effectiveness of Crimewatch as a detergent to crimes has been under much debate. It entertained the audience, but it was weak as a warning to the criminals. As Jermyn commented: ‘indeed some criminals have claimed that the poor-quality CCTV footage they witnessed on Crimewatch actually gave them an incentive to commit crime’ (Holmes and Jermyn, 2004: 82). ‘The use of CCTV conspicuously enhances the programme’s claims to authenticity and underlines its sense of a privileged relationship with real crime and actuality, qualities which programme-makers evidently believe to be ratings winners’ (Holmes and Jermyn, 2004: 83). In this case it is exciting for the audience to see the ‘raw’ footage without caring much about its effect of crime appeal. These early reality programmes about crime appeal, accidents and emergencies formed a new documentary format, which was the precedent of a new genre-reality TV. Later popular factual entertainment programmes are based on these elements to innovate. Their effect is remarkable in a long term. ‘Fly-Off-the-Wall’: Video Diaries Known as Access TV The 1990s was a golden era for the prevalence of reality TV. Jon Dovey points out: ‘it seems that â€Å"ordinary people†, non-professional broadcasters, have never been more present on our screens’ (Dowmunt, 1993: 163). Camera is no longer simply ‘fly-on-the-wall’ to observe and record, but closes to the object to become active ‘fly-off-the-wall’. For a long time, access TV, as new reality television, has been in a great demand. According to Jon Dovey, ‘there are some fundamental principles that identify access programming; they centre around control and power over the programme-making process’, especially ‘the authors should have control over the whole process of representation’ (Dowmunt, 1993: 165). Camcorder and video technology opened up expansive space for access TV. ‘Non-professional broadcasters’ became a leading role in making these programmes. As Patricia Holland commented on this innovative style: The video diary style, in which programmes are made with domestic video equipment by members of the public rather than by television professionals, has introduced a new way of making programmes. Low-tech, with a less polished appearance, they seem to bring the audience even closer to the realities they show. (Holland, 1997: 158) Video Diaries, produced by the BBC Community Programme Unit from 1990-1999, was a representative of access TV. From these series of programmes, Jon Dovey noted: the Unit solicits and researches ideas from potential diarists with a compelling story to tell. Once chosen, the diarist is trained in the use of an S-VHS camera and packed off to shoot their story, with support from the Unit should it be needed. In this way the diarists are given not only editorial control but also control over the means of production. They return with anything up to 200 hours of material and attend all the edit sessions, from an initial assembly which is viewed and discussed at length to the offline and online edit processes. (Dowmunt, 1993: 167) The format of Video Diaries is a development of documentary. Gareth Palmer has explained that it ‘imported the authorizing and legitimizing discourse of documentary into the personal, and in doing so it imported also documentary’s ordering principle into individual lives’ (Palmer, 2003:168). It was popular to the audience and also gained acclaim from the critics because of its flexibility in recording reality. Nevertheless there were debates that the producers had already controlled the programme by selecting the diarists, and there were also problems of quality and legality. New Observational Documentary: Emergence of Docusoap Docusoap is one form of the new observational documentary and one sub-genre of reality TV. It is a hybrid of documentary and soap-opera. It improves from serious documentary to emphasize on entertainment, especially everyday lives. ‘Developed in the UK in the mid-1990s, the docusoap enjoyed unprecedented success for roughly a four-year period (1996-2000)’ (Kilborn, 2003: 87). Docusoap combines documentary and drama. There are elements of narration, interviews and background music, and similar sequences as soap-opera. Each episode has a certain title and focuses on character, personalities, plot or situation. Technological advances promote the development of new observational documentary. New technologies like lightweight cameras, ‘portable sound equipment’ and ‘non-linear editing system’ accelerate editing process with better quality and effect. Besides, financial benefits also attract producers to choose new technologies. ‘As Paul Hamann has commented, docusoaps already cost on average only a third of the price of the equivalent in light entertainment or sitcoms’ (Bruzzi, 2000: 77). The entertainment factor of docusoap makes it popular with audience. Driving School ‘peaked at 12. 45 million’ viewers (Bruzzi, 2000: 86). It ‘focused on the trials and tribulations of people preparing for their driving test’ (Kilborn, 2003: 96). Compared to the core character of reality TV, docusoap is blamed to be less factual with aesthetic reconstruction. According to Bruzzi: The sequence most frequently cited is that in which Maureen Rees, on the eve of another attempt at her theory exam, wakes in the middle of the night and asks her husband Dave to test her on the Highway Code. The sequence is a reconstruction, and Jeremy Gibson (head of BBC Television Features, Bristol) and others have gone on record exonerating themselves from blame, commenting that, having gleaned that Maureen did get up at night ghrough panic, it was perfectly legitimate to recreate such a sequence without the film crew having to camp out in her bedroom for an entire night. (Bruzzi, 2000: 87) The producers’ intervention revealed obvious dramatic skills, which aimed at telling a complete story. In any case, under these circumstances one can never expect a totally natural performance from the character with the presence of camera.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Flow Cytometry Market will Reach

Allied Market Research today published a new market research report titled â€Å"Flow Cytometry Market (Products, Application, Technology, and users) – Current Trends, Opportunities, Industry Analysis, Size, Share and Global Forecast, 2012-2020†. As per the study, the flow cytometry market valued $3 billion In 2012 Is further expected to reach $6. 5 billion by 2020 growing at a CAGR of 30. 9%.Increasing needs to enhance precisions and produce faster results as well as need for compact devices are compelling the clinical and diagnostic organization to adopt innovative technologies. Though popularity has been gained in the application field of life science industry, the cost ot the instrument is impeding the growth. Due to this, many researchers are still reluctant in adopting this technology in their research work. Moreover, advancing technologies that has brought complex instrumentation requires highly skilled personals to operate these instruments.The complete report i s available at httpwwww. alliedmarketresearch. com/flow- cytometry-market â€Å"Flow cytometry market Is In developing phase. Enhancing precision In results and resence of numerous flow cytometry techniques such as multicolor and multi- parameter flow cytometry has acted as a strong foothold, assisting the market growth in majority of the developed economies and foresees high potential In the emerging economies such as Asia Pacific and Africa.These economies have high demand for better health care techniques at an affordable cost. Increasing aged population who need better healthcare, increase in chronic disease and need for better diagnosis and treatment are few driving factors that are impacting the flow cytometry market† tate AMR analysts Debbie Shields and Rohlnl Patll_ Immunotyplng and signal transduction, for example, have been playing a significant role in medical diagnostics.However, conventional technologies used, have limited the accuracy and impacted the result del iverance time of the diagnosis performed. Improving therapeutic scenario is equally attracting focus on early diagnostic tools. Currently, many cancer types have various treatment options; however, this depends on the time of diagnosis and the stage of the cancer. Flow cytometry has been one of he most prevalent technologies which offer solutions for most of the problems discussed above.Key factors restraining the market include high instrument costs and size, lack of awareness among probable users and need for trained personnel. Most of the users are not aware of the advanced development in the flow cytometry technology and believe that the instruments are space consuming, complex in use and are of high cost, thus affecting the market growth. ‘OF2 I ne glooal market Tor now cytometry Is alvlaea Into segments sucn as products, technology, end users, and applications.Instruments market accounts for the largest share of revenue in the flow cytometry market at present and is expe cted to remain as the highest revenue generator in 2020. Increase in modularity, accessibility, incorporation of imaging capabilities, availability of wavelengths and targets and size reduction are few of the significant trends in the market assisting in adoption of the instruments by the end users. On the other hand, reagents market is expected to experience the highest growth rate of CAGR 12% during the analysis period.Primary eason escalating this segment is availability of several types of reagents that find diverse usability depending on specific applications like diagnostics, drug discovery, Two technologies are implemented in flow cytometry based research and diagnosis, namely cell based and bead based technologies. In the present scenario as well as throughout the analysis period, cell based technique is leading the market in terms of revenue generation. However, bead based technique is expected to beat this technology in terms of adoption rate by 2020. North America account ed for the argest share of revenue i. . 43. 5% of the overall Global flow cytometry market at $1. 2 billion in 2011. The region is further expected to attain a market size of $2. 8 billion by 2020 growing at a CAGR of 10. 1%. The company profile in this includes: Advanced analytical Technologies, Inc. , Merck Millipore, Becton, Dickinson ; co, Beckman Coulter, eBioscience, Partech, Life technologies corp. , Luminex Corp, Amnis Corp. , Morphosys AG. The primary strategy employed by key players of the market is products launch which is due to demand for newer, faster, and high through put achines that deliver better results.About Us: Allied Market Research (AMR) is a full-service market research and business consulting wing of Allied Analytics LLP based in Portland, Oregon. Allied Market Research provides global enterprises as well as medium and small businesses with unmatched quality of â€Å"Market Research Reports† and â€Å"Business Intelligence Solutions†. AMR has a targeted view to provide business insights and consulting to assist its clients to make strategic business decisions and achieve sustainable growth n their respective market domain.We are in professional corporate relations with various companies and this helps us in capturing most accurate market data and confirms utmost accuracy of our market forecasts. Each and every data presented in the reports published by us is also extracted through primary interviews with top officials from leading companies of domain concerned. Our secondary data procurement methodology includes deep online and offline research and discussion with knowledgeable professionals and analysts in the industry.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Energy Drinks Rationale Essay

Rationale Energy drinks were maufactured for the purpose of providing mental and physical stimulation for a short period of time. They are specially formulated for people who needs extra energy and are looking for a temporary mental and physical booster in order to get through day to day’s activity. Energy drinks sprung in the global market wayback 1997 with Red Bull being the very first product that hit the market. Energy drinks contain different ingredients such as caffeine, sugars, taurine, ginseng, guarana extract, and other ingredients such as vitamins and amino acids. Indeed, energy drinks are useful especially for those people who are exposed to heavy work and thinking and need an extra energy to do so. But along with the benefits that one may get in ingesting energy drinks comes the negative effects it may give in one’s body. The energy drink market is a fast-growing market, as it remains as the most dynamic segment on the soft drinks market, with strong growth in most market, according to Zenith International. It is most popular to athletes, people in professions, and students. This study is conducted to study the good and bad effects energy drinks may bring to those who ingest it, focusing specially on college students who are most likely exposed to different kind of stress and energy-draining activities such as studying. Since the focus of the study is towards the college students, the research’s aim is to explain the effects of energy drinks to the college student’s health and school performance, to weigh the good effects and the downside of ingesting it, to suggest some ideas for the betterment of the situation or for the elimination of problems encountered, and to find some alternatives for those situations which are found and proven ineffective. The discovery of energy drinks has been phenomenal. Its global consumption over the last five years has grown by about 10% anually, and now it is sold in over 160 countries worldwide, with 44% of it purchased in convenience strores and 56% purchased in bars and other places. Most of its consumers ae students. Indeed, energy drinks are very helpful to those students who need to stay awake late at night to study for a test, who are making reports, projects, assignments and other schoolworks. Energy drinks contribute in staying awake and focus. But mcuh to our knowledge, energy drinks has limitations. They  may provide extra energy, but it is temporary. They just stimulate the body and brain over a short period of time. They also do not provide an effective way of rehydrating our body and stay in our stomach longer than water because of high sugar concentration. Energy drinks, when taken up without precaution, may cause a serious problem to one’s body. Energy drinks contain caffeine, a primary content of coffee. The caffeine content of an enery drink is about 80 mg per 250 ml, equivalent to one cup of coffee. But there are energy drinks sold in larger containers, which means more caffeine content. Caffeine overdose may cause side effects such as nervousness, insomnia, palpitation, dizziness, nausea, and headache. There were reported cases of hospitalizations due to these symptoms, and even death. According to Dr. Matteo Cameli. from University of Siena, despite of its dominant bad effects to the body, they found a health benefit that it may bring in one of their studies. He explained that energy drinks enhance the contractions of both the left and right ventricle of the heart. This may be because of the effect of taurine which stimulates the release of calcium from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. But despite this effect, he still added that energy drinks raise the risk if cardiometabolic disease. Most cases of energy drink symptoms and toxicity are mainly caused by the effects of high-caffeine intake of the body. Most of the labels of energy drinks containers don’t really specify the contents, warnings and dosage that’s why harmful events occurs. For example, energy drinks contain guarana, which contains caffeine, but the caffeine content is not specified in the label, therefore the caffeine content of that energy drink might be higher than what is reflected. Also, most of the college students are not really typical on what is written on the labels. They must be aware on what is written on labels such as recommended use, recommended dosage, intended population, precaution, and list of ingredients. They must also be aware that the maximum recommended dosage in general is one or two cans a day. It is necessary to read the labels before purchasing a product. There are alternative ways to boost energy without taking in energy drinks, such as making one’s own energy drinks by means of natural ingredients such as fruits. In that way, they can make sure that what they are drinking are safer compared to over-the-counter energy drinks.

Education Essay

Someone once told me that â€Å"Education is the building blocks of one’s character†. As much as it sounds too much of a cliche’ I couldn’t help but agree with this well known quotation. Although it may be true, that one’s education cannot define a man, it also holds true that different forms of education is readily available and it makes or breaks a man into who he is in his current disposition and into who he may want to be in the future. Some people claim that education is a matter of circumstance and privilege, that in this modern day and age, only those with the proper resources can have the proper education that one may need in order to be successful. If you ask me, this is only true in the terms of getting a degree to get all the right opportunities. But in reality, real education that will lead you towards the ends of your goals in life is the education you gain in life experiences. Let’s take Bill Gates and Albert Einstein who both didn’t finish college for example, they only succeeded in their personal aspirations by learning in the arena of their life and living itself. It may be important to note that in life, one must need a model to see how life is lived and how we learn from everything we see and experience in our day to day living. It may not always be formal education that we may attribute our learnings all the time, but it is imperative that any form of education should take place in order for us to grow in all different aspects of our lives. May it be in our professional lives, personal lives or for social reasons, a learning curb can be gained by us through the years because we were educated not only on how to live life, but most importantly how to be continuously educated till there is nothing more to learn in this life which may bring us to the breaking point of death or suicide. But in both scenarios, we still know that it is an imperative that a learning experience should be observed for us to prosper in a game called life.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Marketing management for the service industry Lab Report - 1

Marketing management for the service industry - Lab Report Example As a result of its success especially in providing quality services in an environmental friendly manner, in addition its marketing strategy, a case study on the company is going to be analyzed, researched. An analysis will be offered in relations to the company’s services and marketing strategy. Banyan Tree Resorts (BTR) currently offers a wide array of facilities and services that can constitute to a luxury resort experience. This is much so when related to the prices they are offering and the type of market or clients that are targeted and access services. A luxurious resort experience contains a number of things ranging from the type of services, the quality of services, the price offered, type and quality of facilities available among others. In relation to this, the following discussions identifies the services and facilities at BTR and provides the justifications for the reasons why the two (services and facilities) constitute to a luxurious resort experience. The BTR resorts around Asia offer a variety of facilities that enhance the experience of clients to a whole new level. First and Foremost, the resort’s units are mostly constructed on natural environments that involve making minor adjustments such as including a few added artificial features or removing a few natural features. This is, when the units are constructed, it involves removing a few of natural aspects that might not provide a comfortable experience and at the same time, add a few artificial aspects such as electricity lighting among others. This in addition with the use of local furnishings created from local materials constitutes to a natural, peaceful, relaxing and enjoyable experience. The location and construction of the resort units is usually one of the key contributing factors of a luxurious resort experience that most hotels in crowded and noisy cities are unable to provide. This feature is in line with the company’s vision and mission of providing c lients with an

Thursday, September 12, 2019

History of Theatrical Costuming Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

History of Theatrical Costuming - Essay Example The purpose of this research is to look at the journey of development that theatrical costuming has gone through so that more insight for the present and future efforts and understanding can be obtained. When we look into the history of medieval theater to understand that what kind of costumes were used that time, we come to know one very obvious piece of information discussed in almost all the documents about costuming history in medieval times. This information is that that time cross-dressing was as common a practice in theatrical performances both in English and French theaters. Cross-dressing means male characters wore costumes of both male and female gender and thus performed both the roles in the theater. Basic reason for this cross-dressing was that female performers were not yet allowed to enter the theatrical world. Furthermore, there are a great many more reasons for this tradition. For example, medieval era was an age in which cultural and ideological thinking was being reshaped for a more refined future culture. That time categories of race and class were less determined. (Clark, & Sponsler, 1995) The striking accounts given in medieval plays like Robin Hood and Marian is that cross-dressing was used for a number of purposes and that it was a very effective device which served as a progressive milestone in medieval plays. For example, Robin Hood disguises a number of times in different dresses, including yeoman, monk, etc. to achieve his goals. A male character can disguise in a female's dress to delay an incident of shame etc. The emphasis in medieval time (both English and French plays) was that the issue of "transgressiveness" was of high importance. Additionally, famous characters' clothing was very popular among spectators as, for instance, band of Robin Hood was sold outside theaters in which Robin Hood plays were performed. People liked to put a feather in their hats like Robin Hood. However, it is not very clearly given as what made it so easy that disguising worked for the characters in a play. Was it a simple society, a people looking over formal differences opposed to reality, and so on These are the issues that surely need extensive research with relation to costuming history in medieval time so that clear cut opinions can be stated. (Clark, & Sponsler, 1995) Italian Renaissance In the time of Italian Renaissance costumes were of the Gothic tradition which had roots in northern Europe until the arrival of the time of mid 15th century. Here costumes became to look more natural. There was robe, with bodice and skirt. Doublets of men became shorter and their hose were attentively donned. By this time women's hair was finely trimmed as they wore thin veils with colorful ribbons and, of course, glittering jewelry. The popular fabric in fashion in Italian Renaissance period was velvet and brocade simply because these fabrics were more colorful and eye-catching. From 1480 to 1510 Italian costuming was dominated chiefly by European fashion. Both the garments of men and skirts of women became shorter. By this time the use of a long grown was abandoned by the people. (Marszalek, & Panagakis, 2004) However, from the period of 1510 to 1550 Germanic influence (which was almost everywhere in Europe) was felt of Italian Renais

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Middle Managers Contribution to the Growth of the Multinational Term Paper

Middle Managers Contribution to the Growth of the Multinational Organization in the Global Market Place - Term Paper Example This essay stresses that middle managers are believed to be important contributors towards overall company strategy. They hold interface positions which facilitate their power to mediate between various variables that are of importance to strategic formulation. This position also facilitates acquisition of necessary knowledge to back the basis of strategy formulation making them important stakeholders in decision making processes. They are also the link between the internal and external environments of an organization and as such are able to develop more credible PESTLE . At this point it is important to analyze the most important strategic roles of middle managers in ensuring success in the global market. This paper makes a conclusion that the role of middle managers in the growth of multinational corporations has increasingly become relevant as global competition intensifies. Organizations need to utilize their knowledge and expertise in order to understand both the local and global markets. With the rapid changes in technology and product development better strategies need to be formulated and implemented appropriately so as to achieve competitive advantage. The realization that this is only possible with the involvement and dedication from the middle managers has shifted the direction from which valuable strategic information emanates from. It is now the onus of these managers to embrace the difficult multifaceted tasks in driving forward their global organizations to the next level in the global competitive ladder.... The global market place is wide with a huge customer base. However, few organizations have managed to tap the huge potential even after establishing themselves globally basically because of producing poor quality products or products that are not matching with customer tastes. Strategy formulation and strategies themselves can be superb and capable of steering a multinational organization to more markets abroad but if they are poorly implemented, the results can be disastrous. Middle managers ensure that strategies are effectively implemented by ensuring and maintaining competence within teams and in individuals. This paper will look into the Middle Manager’s contribution towards the growth of a multinational organization in the global market place. For a multinational to be fully global it is required to expand its wings either through acquisitions or by replicating its business operations. The best businesses to acquire are those that are already heavily involved in the valu e chain in countries or regions the multinational intends to venture into. As such it will be relatively easy to take up the pace in developing brands in foreign markets. The top management of a multinational organization considers two variables in constructing the organizational framework. These are the company’s strategic positioning in all regions of operations and company history coupled with its administrative heritage (Delany, 2000). All the subsidiaries’ operations need to be harnessed to match those of the major organization. As a result, globalization has made multinational organizations to reduce variability in operations of their subsidiaries by rationalizing their activities especially the duplicated ones. This